Friday, September 3, 2010

So Far, So Great!!

Siah has been the absolute best big brother to Jed. Every morning he comes in our room and gives Jed a soft kiss on the head. He asks to hold Jed often. He constantly helps me get things that I need to care for Jed... he fetches clean diapers, and throws away dirty diapers. He puts Jed's dirty clothes in the hamper, and puts his empty bottles in the sink for me. He has been a total blessing since we brought Jed home. :)

It is nearly impossible to get a descent picture of all four treasures but that doesn't stop me from trying. :)

And these two.... don't they look alike? Hal is sweet with Jed too. She's the motherly type. She always wants to feed him and put his pacifier in when he's crying. Reesie wants to put the pacifier in too but she more like shoves it into his mouth which causes him to cry harder... but it's a nice thought. :)

I'm so proud of our older treasures and the way that they have welcomed our newest treasure! They ALL have been a total blessing... truly... I'm not just trying to be positive here! :)
I am constantly praying that they all continue to grow up as close friends!
So far, so GREAT! :)

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